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The author's project Yriy Markovich "MAESTRO of SHARDENOV. Continuity of generations"
We are glad to present you an exhibition of the collection of works by the Great classic of Kazakh painting Zhanatai Shardenov! Usually...

Exhibition "Graphics Golden collection of the 1940s - 2000s»
Works of the best graphic artists of the Kazakh SSR and the Republic of Kazakhstan This exhibition showing the Best collection of Kazakh...

Republican exhibition "Ceramics of Kazakhstan"!
On the territory of ALMATY ARENA, in the exhibition hall of Almaty Art Center – opens the largest in the history of Kazakhstan's...

Sculpture Of Kazakhstan
Exhibition dedicated to the 85th Annivers of the Artists Union of Kazakhstan ART: FOR EVERYBODY On the territory of the ALMATY ARENA...

We invite Everyone to the Republican exhibition in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Artists Unio
The exhibition will last until September 30 #Congratulations #ArtistsUnion #exhibition #picture #graphic #painting #art #Anniversary

Exhibition of works by the best KazakhSSR’s artists, Members of the Artists Union "To the memor
This exhibition is the first part of a new unique a large project, initiated by "Ular" Art-Agency, Gallery of Artists Union, as well as...

Exhibition of the open air's work
Exhibition of plein-air sketches 07 October 2017 - 31 October 2017 Vernissage in 15:00 pm #ArtistsUnion #picture #exhibition #painting...

The Sultan Ilyaev's exhibition "The Attraction..."
We invite You to the Kingdom of pure light bright, philosophical, kind and sensual works of Sultan Ilyaev at the exhibition "The...
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