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 YURIY MARKOVICH Yuriy Markovich is the director of the art Agency and gallery "Ular"

Yuriy Markovich is the director of the art Agency and gallery "Ular"

He was born in 1966. He graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of arts. After T. Zhurgenov. The Department of decorative-applied art. Participant in the summer schools of the Soros Foundation in art management in Almaty, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg 2000-2004. Member of the Association of cultural managers (Moscow) since 2004. The representative of the Moscow magazine "Art Manager" in Kazakhstan and Central Asia since 2003. .The prize of spectator sympathies "Parade of galleries", Museum them. A. Kasteev, 1997 Representative of the art rating of CIS countries in Kazakhstan since 2012.

1991 Main specialist in fine arts exchange of intellectual property "Ziyal"

1992 Deputy Director of the gallery of modern art "Tengri-Umai"

1993 Director of the "Ular" gallery

2002 Lecturer at the summer art school of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan, the course "Gallery business" for workshop of art critics

2002 Director of  "Ular" Art Agency 

2011 the Managing Director of the Artists' Union gallery


Curator of city, Republican and international art exhibitions. Art Vilnius and Art Market Budapest fairs. Markovich Yuriy Initiated and organized more than 550 art exhibitions.

Curator of art catalogs: "The encyclopedia of dreams: contemporary art of Kazakhstan from the collection of Richard Spooner," the anniversary catalogue for the 75th anniversary of the artist Janatay Shardenov, collection of "Ular" modern art gallery, "Kazakhstan socialistic realism in the collection of the “ATF” bank and private collections", “Metrobank”, A. Erashov "Alphabet USSR", Anniversary catalogue of "Ular" gallery.

Yuriy Markovich - curator and one of the authors of the proceedings of the conference "Cultural policy in Central Asia: experience and prospects". Publications in various periodicals publications of Kazakhstan’s art in newspapers and magazines. Article about the development of Art market in Kazakhstan in the "RBC" and "Style" magazine. Tutorial "Gallery business" in Moscow publishing house "Art management".

Articles about works of Kazakh artists in catalogs, personal catalog of works of E. Fridlin, M. Vedernikov - the Personal catalog of the artist, Personal catalog of artist S. Kravtsov, G. Tagenova – personal catalog of the artist.

Article in the catalogue "Constellation names" Art of Central Asia and Kazakhstan in a private collection. The article is devoted to the twenty years anniversary of "Ular" gallery. The article "Center of gravity" of the gallery business. The article – Kazakhstan's Art market XXI century – "Between past and future".

Ular Gallery Almaty Kazakhstan

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